Professional Membership: How to become Certified Islamic Marketer?
Currently, qualifications offered are:
- Certified Islamic Marketer (CIMA)
- Certified Islamic Marketer - Islamic Banking (CIMB). (For all specializations at least 60% of Professional Development Hours (PDH) must be in the exact chosen specialization)
- Certified Islamic Marketer - Islamic Hospitality (CIMH). (For all specializations at least 60% of Professional Development Hours (PDH) must be in the exact chosen specialization)
- Certified Islamic Marketer - Islamic Branding (CIMR). (For all specializations at least 60% of Professional Development Hours (PDH) must be in the exact chosen specialization)
Individuals can apply for any of the qualifications above. The process for acquiring the chartred status is composed of two main parts over a period of 13 months.
Part One. The Application Stage:
- A formal application must be made by the candidate to the IIMA.
- The candidate is then requested to provide Professional Development documents detailing his/her experience in any of the fields of Islamic marketing and also his/her related qualifications.
- The candidate will then be advised of the number of Professional Development Hours (PDH) he/she needs to accumulate in order to qualify for the status of Certified Islamic Marketer (CIMA).
- All candidates will be required to accumulate between 15 -35 Professional Development Hours (PDH) during the first 12 months of their candidacy. The number of hours will depend on the candidate’s own record and experience. Candidates with limited and/or less varied experience will be asked to accumulate more hours.
- A list of accepted sources of PDH will be provided to the candidate and he/she will be given 12 months to accumulate the required hours.
- During the application stage the candidate will be granted the status of Islamic Marketing Associate (IMA).
Part Two. The Review Stage:
- At the end of the application period the candidate will submit his/her Professional Development Record and a decision will be made on whether the status of Certified Islamic Marketer (CIMA) will be granted based on fulfillment of the requirements.
- An individual granted CIMA status will need to submit yearly reports detailing the activities he/she has carried out during the previous year. At least 10 PDH must be accumulated each year to maintain CIMA status.
- The IIMA reserves the right to withhold the CIMA status of any individual in the case of serious misconduct.
An individual denied CIMA status can reapply six months from the date of the original denial and must provide a new Professional Development Record with new Professional Development Hours. Once the new record is received, step number 3 in the application process begins.
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